username: (title your application with username - application)
tribe: Gauls
population: 337
location: 155|153
army size: 212 (6 scouts, 95 calvary, hero, some infantry)
type of player (aggressive, defensive): aggressive
server experience: 34 days
people consistently attacking you: Occasional raids by nearby actives
previous alliance experience (this server only): ~N~R~
why you want to be in Outlaws: Two less people I have to watch out for while growing
what can you provide us: Activity, calvary (can't beat a 1k+ army yet, though)
what can we provide you: Safety
others: Please let ~N~R~ continue to develop, they have no wish to compete with OUTLAWS for space. Raiding for resources is ok, but please don't catapult them or deliberately kill off their armies. Thanks.