username: Candyman
tribe: Romans
population: 283
location: 202/91
army size: 103
type of player (agressive, defensive): agressive
server experience: i have played on many other severs. i have participated in end game and have ended up in the top 1000 for player, alliance, and defence.
people consistently attacking you: none at the moment
previous alliance experience (this server only): D.O.W
why you want to be in Outlaws: my current alliance has done nothing since it has started. i believe that an alliance needs to work together in order to succeed. i have seen and heard of some of the fantastic things your allaince has done
what can you provide us: i will provide the military power to anybody in the alliance that needs it. i will provide resources for alliance members.
what can we provide you: accecpting me into this alliance will give the honor to succeed in this game