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 Uduwar - trippel acount - application

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Join date : 2008-09-04

Uduwar - trippel acount - application Empty
PostSubject: Uduwar - trippel acount - application   Uduwar - trippel acount - application Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 10:14 am

To apply, start a new thread using your user name as the subject.

Please include the following information:

username: Uduwar


population: 218

location: NW

army: 65 man - hero lvl 3

type: agressive

server experience: We are experience players, we play already on the Dutch speed server.

people consistently attacking you: none

previous alliance experience (this server only): D.O.W

why you want to be in Outlaws: Outlaws is a good alliance, you can see it on the profile.

what can you provide us: an active player, FUN!

what can we provide you: none (protection?)

and anything else you want to include that might help you.
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Uduwar - trippel acount - application
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